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Your search for received 197 results.

White Christmas (Bob Hope)

Rec. Year: 1956 | Added: 1/10/2022 | Era: 1950s | Location: [?] | Uploaded by: Paul L.
Director: | Genre: Holiday | Type:
Comments: 0 | Page views: 1544

We wish you the merriest

Rec. Year: 1997 | Added: 12/15/2021 | Era: 1990s | Location: [?] | Uploaded by: Paul L.
Director: Brian Breed | Genre: | Type: Christmas Show
Comments: 0 | Page views: 94 Duration: 02:19

We need a little Christmas Bells

Rec. Year: 1997 | Added: 12/15/2021 | Era: 1990s | Location: [?] | Uploaded by: Paul L.
Director: Brian Breed | Genre: | Type: Christmas Show
Comments: 0 | Page views: 80 Duration: 03:15

Star of Bethlehem

Rec. Year: 1997 | Added: 12/15/2021 | Era: 1990s | Location: [?] | Uploaded by: Paul L.
Director: Brian Breed | Genre: | Type: Christmas Show
Singers: Brandon Tiek Comments: 0 | Page views: 721 Duration: 04:16

I’ll be home / Music of Christmas

Rec. Year: 1997 | Added: 12/15/2021 | Era: 1990s | Location: [?] | Uploaded by: Paul L.
Director: Brian Breed | Genre: | Type: Christmas Show
Singers: Brandon Tiek Comments: 0 | Page views: 111 Duration: 05:12

Joy To The World

Rec. Year: 1997 | Added: 12/15/2021 | Era: 1990s | Location: [?] | Uploaded by: Paul L.
Director: Brian Breed | Genre: Sacred | Type: Christmas Show
Comments: 0 | Page views: 101 Duration: 04:25

There’s a place called Home

Rec. Year: 1997 | Added: 12/15/2021 | Era: 1990s | Location: [?] | Uploaded by: Paul L.
Director: Brian Breed | Genre: | Type: Christmas Show
Comments: 0 | Page views: 122 Duration: 02:41

Sleigh Ride

Rec. Year: 1997 | Added: 12/15/2021 | Era: 1990s | Location: [?] | Uploaded by: Paul L.
Director: Brian Breed | Genre: | Type: Christmas Show
Singers: Adam Kober Comments: 0 | Page views: 94 Duration: 02:48

All I want for Christmas

Rec. Year: 1997 | Added: 12/15/2021 | Era: 1990s | Location: [?] | Uploaded by: Paul L.
Director: Brian Breed | Genre: | Type: Christmas Show
Singers: Ed Svejda Comments: 0 | Page views: 83 Duration: 03:37

Hurry to Bethlehem

Rec. Year: 1997 | Added: 12/15/2021 | Era: 1990s | Location: [?] | Uploaded by: Paul L.
Director: Brian Breed | Genre: Holiday | Type: Christmas Show
Comments: 0 | Page views: 79 Duration: 03:01