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Category: A Cappella


Auld Lang Syne

Rec. Year: 2003 | Added: 11/15/2021 | Era: 2000s | Location: [?] | Uploaded by: Paul L.
Director: Brian Breed | Genre: A Cappella Traditional | Type: Christmas Show
Comments: 0 |

Carol of the Bells

Rec. Year: 1960 | Added: 11/25/2021 | Era: 1960s | Location: [?] | Uploaded by: Paul L.
Director: Al Stewart | Genre: A Cappella Holiday | Type:
Comments: 0 |

Fifty Kilowatt Tree

Rec. Year: 1997 | Added: 12/15/2021 | Era: 1990s | Location: , | Uploaded by: Paul L.
Director: Brian Breed | Genre: A Cappella Holiday | Type: Christmas Show
Tags: David Herbon,
Comments: 0 |

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Rec. Year: 1999 | Added: 12/11/2021 | Era: 1990s | Location: [?] | Uploaded by: Paul L.
Director: Brian Breed | Genre: A Cappella Holiday | Type: Christmas Show
Comments: 0 |

Toy Land

Rec. Year: 2003 | Added: 11/15/2021 | Era: 2000s | Location: [?] | Uploaded by: Paul L.
Director: Brian Breed | Genre: A Cappella | Type: Christmas Show
Comments: 0 |